From the 10th to the 14th of September 2021, the international event dedicated
“The most advanced sectors have shown an increasing need for “global operators” and “bodies granting supply-chain
protection” in order to supply the market with original, safe and fair services and products”
Daniele Gualdani
Our vision includes contributing to the creation of more and more innovative and cross-sectoral know-how, so as to balance the different peculiarities of the Group and of the local territories, where member companies are based. Enhancing people and their competence in order to achieve excellence in “Made in Italy”.
Our mission is to recognise and understand market needs so as to offer innovative ideas and solutions to match the requirements of an ever evolving world. Preserving and developing our knowledge that has been achieved in time by means of commitment, study and adaptability.
Working every day so as to allow the development and the establishment of a more and more recognizable and unique model, that shall make it possible to merge different sectors and markets.
Lean thinking is an approach the Group draws inspiration from by applying the 5 “S” at the base of this thinking, that is “Seiri”, “Seiton”, “Seinso”, “Seiketsu”, ”Shitsuke”, adding a sixth “S” that is “Safety”.
This is an approach aiming at organizing production systems, eliminating anything unnecessary in order to make room for what is really needed, with the goal of achieving those objectives the Group is looking forward to by means of constant attention to details and of the management of workflows, reducing wastefulness, maximizing efficiency
and building a safe and exciting working environment.
Any accessory is produced following and complying with high standards, both as regards quality and safety. Great craftsman abilities, state-of-the-art tools, constant tests and vertical laboratories for the different kinds of manufacturing methods, make it possible to achieve acknowledgeable results that can meet the high expectations and requirements of this Sector.
Sustainability is not only an ethical must, but it represents as well an imperative need within the framework of the present market panorama. The Group long-term vision, in order to give birth to a
cutting-edge industrial model, results into focused initiatives based on the territory, investments in technological innovation and support to the most promising startups.
People are those who make a real difference. LEM INDUSTRIES, firmly believing in this, has always invested into the training of its staff and not only that.
Over the years, it has started the Executive CHEMALUX Master – in cooperation with the University of Siena – it is furthermore a member of the “ITS Energia e Ambiente” Foundation and it has organized training days for students of several academical courses of studies both at the sites and at the premises of the
Siamo artigiani nel cuore, nelle mani, nei gesti, nei pensieri, negli sguardi. Industriali per necessità e perché i numeri dell’economia devono sempre portare un sorriso.
Tutta la filiera che concorre alla qualità del nostro prodotto finale è tesa alla perfezione, partiamo dalla performance dei nostri impianti, misuriamo la purezza delle acque e i livelli di performance di tutte le nostre azioni, verifichiamo oltre le dieci volte ogni pezzo che produciamo, prestiamo estrema attenzione alle mani di tutti i nostri addetti e alla loro serenità.
Tutto questo per poter produrre e proteggere sigilli che rappresentano i marchi a cui il mondo aspira, sigilli di distintività capaci di sfidare il tempo, le mode e di soddisfare le passioni.
Il master Executive in “Management e Comunicazione per l’industria Chimica del Lusso” (CHEMALUX) è stato istituito dall’Università di Siena in collaborazione con LEM INDUSTRIES SPA per formare figure con nuove competenze manageriali per l’industria di moda e accessori di lusso.
CHEMALUX è rivolto a coloro che intendono avviare un percorso manageriale nell’ambito dell’industria chimica del lusso. L’offerta formativa di CHEMALUX, unica in Italia, fornisce le competenze necessarie ad analizzare gli scenari di mercato, rendere più efficienti i processi produttivi e valorizzare i prodotti puntanto sull’innovazione e sulla sostenibilità.
From the 10th to the 14th of September 2021, the international event dedicated
Happy holidays to everyone!
Our company DELUXE BRASS has been awarded the important ISO 14001 Environmental Certification:
We’re always looking for eager people with ambition.
Via Leo Valiani 45/47
52021 Levane-Bucine (AR)
Tel. +39 055 97 88 590
VAT number: 02052660517